Saturday, 25 March 2023

Watcher In The Sky

 March 1941, German Luftwaffe were expected over London for another bombing run, the sky that day was cloudy and very dark but as search lights crossed the skies, some service men have been quoted as seeing a large eye in the sky, watching from way up in the air yet under the clouds.

It remained for mere minutes before vanishing, that day the Luftwaffe never appeared.

Discussing with German pilots who flew during that time in history, it was said that the Bombers and Fighters did take off to bomb London, but vanished from communication not long into their flight.

Those pilots were discovered in the sleeping quarters in full kit, not long after the supposed Watcher in the Sky disappeared from English skies with no recollection of what happened after they took off, seeming only seconds had passed before they reaslised they were in their bunks.

Inspired by the song: Watcher In The Sky by Ghost

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Taking the Moon

 At 4am on the 18/5/1972 NASA telescopes and satellites caught images of an unknown void opening up behind the Moon and a large alien hand reaching out, it took the moon into the void which closed for 52 minutes before reopening again and the Moon being placed right back where it should have been in it's orbit.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Cynthia - Sultry

 Decided I wanted to do something that made Cyn look innocent yet very sexual.