Friday, 12 June 2015

Your Vote Matters

So I thought I'd actually make a proper post for this.

Now as you can see to the right I have a vote for 1 or 2 months for how long you'd rather wait between issues.

If I take 1 month, it means the comics will be around 40-50 pages and mostly likely could be 2 part issues.

If I take 2 months, it mean the comics will be longer with possibly around 80-100 pages depending on the story.

Now the reason for this is simply time, my work life has gotten busy and so I can't spend as much time as I'd like on my issues, so I give you all the right to vote and decide what you're willing to go with, I make this art not just myself but for you all as well, so please do vote.

And as always Enjoy.


  1. I think create what feels right. if it takes 40 or 100 pages to complete a story you have in mind. looking at the votes appear to be almost equal.


    1. I agree with creating the story I want and I generally do, however at the same time I feel I have a requirement to keep a rough time frame for release, and this will tell me the fans opinion of this, at present I like to release once a month like actual print comic, but that might be because of being used to that growing up, but thanks for you opinion mate, it's always good to get feed back especially from my blog brothers and sisters. :)

  2. 2 months that way you have more time to get it done.

  3. the good always delay :D, and 100 pages is an offer we can not refuse n_n

    1. It's always good to hear it put that way lol
