Thursday, 6 July 2017

NEWS L&L Issue 3 WIP

Yes my Fans, after what feels like forever I've finally had the chance to start work on Life and Lust Issue 3, I won't go into any details of story yet, but I will say I have 8 images done so far, and I'm trying to find more time in my busy life to work on more, I'm hoping in around a month to have it done, if not sooner and going to try and work some kind of thing out to get back into my old swing of doing comics, so for those of you have been waiting ever so patiently for the next installment, I thank you for your patients, and hope I don't disappoint you.


  1. Where do I find chapters 1 & 2? I don't see themun the comics tab.

    1. Thanks bob for bring this to my attention, I'll fix it now, nice to hear from you again.
