Monday, 25 September 2017

The Tale of Peter Trevor

Well this is going slightly back to my old roots, here is a story I've been working a little on with a hint of H.P. Lovecraft in it, I hope you all enjoy something a little different and here is a little summary of what is in it.

(It was a winters day in 1775, a man by the name of Peter Trevor was trekking the wilderness of Minnesota.

He was a tall thin man with glasses, he wore rugged and warm attire fitting to anyone travelling the land by foot, he felt the slight impact of his water pouch hitting his leg with

each step and the weight of his pack full of food on his back making every step that little bit more resistant.

He had left the likes of Arkham many years ago to travel and see all he could see, he had seen many a settlement and met many a woman, he thought fondly for a moment on them and more then likely the children he had left with them.

He smiles and look at the trees covered in snow from the constant flakes that fell from the pale grey clouds above.

It was then his ears pricked and he heard the faint sound of a song, he looked around seeing no one but decided he was too curious to not search for the origin, slowly he followed the notes that the melody was sending his way till it slowly got louder and louder.)


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