Thursday, 4 April 2013

Dead End Beauty

So I decided to have an easy day today and got Sue aside to do a new photo shoot with me, as always she was more than happy, I even got talking to her about doing a photo shoot with Cynthia, thought I'd get the okay from her Mum first, she said she was all for it but it had to be a none nude, I said I was fine with that, so we started the shoot and this was the result, I hope you enjoy.

I'll probably do the shoot with Cynthia this weekend.


  1. WOW, Great Set! Just curious but what prop/model do you use for the genitalia?

    1. Victoria 4.2 WG, it's on renderotica, however I believe it's been updated since I got mine.

  2. Hi nightfall I got other request for you. Can you do other pony image for me please? Thanks
