Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Allan 5

So I decided to do something different, and do a pic of Allan, I don't do these very often because my fan base is mostly male, but hey, maybe there are some ladies who like may art apart from YmomY, Rina and Jen.


  1. One thing I discovered over this last year is how perverted some women can be. I suppose that was very naive of me, but I never imagined there were ladies out there who got off to monster porn, or futanari for that matter.

    I once asked a lesbian what she thought of futanari, and she told me she didn't like it. Go figure.

    1. I was kind of the same way, I'd always through of woman as more mental then overly physical like a guy, but after meeting YmomY, RIna and Jen, that type of thinking quickly changed.

  2. Also as well it shows you're comfortable with displaying a naked man on here. With me I'm not keen on focusing on using men in my art setups.

    How the net has open a world . portal to who's out there with like mines.

