Saturday, 16 November 2013

Mina 18 - 3

Someone we don't see a great deal of, is Mina here back when she was 18, so I thought I'd go back to George's cabin and ask her to do a shot for me, she was more than happy.


  1. Her 18 year old body reminds me a lot of Sue but I do quite like the vampire Mina with the lean muscle and big boobs.

  2. Hello! I dont know how to send this message to you, so I will just put in your comments. I really like your work, and I was wondering if I could use one of your images as part of a background for a tumblr account I am making. The theme of it is going to be Male Anthro/Furry and Human Women couples (sort of like a beauty and beast site XD ). Anyway, I will of course fully credit you and provide a link to your desired art site. I send a link of the tumblr site so you can see that I put your link once it is done.

  3. good times n_n, innocent future hunter :P

    I wonder if his uncle never was tempted for her body :_:

    1. That is a concept I will be visiting in the future.
