Sunday 17 February 2013

Mina - Beach

Mina sits on a beach like she would have when she was human, alas where she would have enjoyed a nice tanning session like any other woman, Mina can no longer enjoy that sensation.

Instead she is limited only to the light that covers the sky before the sun rises past the horizon, at this point she must once again find safety in darkness.


  1. Instad have sun tan mina having moon tan. Lol

  2. I was wondering about that; if Mina could tolerate sunlight? I guess not aye. Must be tough being a vamp in Austrailia!

    1. Especially where the bush is concerned, but yeah Mina is a traditional vampire, everything you see in the old movies works on her, crosses, holy water, decapitation, stake to the heart, she doesn't get all glittery like some vampires.

    2. Mina is vampiress a female vampire.

  3. Cute pic, I love the pictures when I can see the character thinking or remembering -.- I imagine this pic with background music, and Mina remembering all the perv things that she did n_n
