Friday, 8 February 2013

Suggestion - Gazza

Well here is my first suggestion, Gazza requested something horror, blood or bdsm, well after going through his blog, I went with bdsm and a rather different one.

Pony play, so just like you did as a kid with your parents or you do now with your kids, but more sexually orientated, the rider is Master, the pony is Slave in some cases.

I think this partly also fills in Fasdeviant's request for more Sue but, fear not I have a nice pic ready for Valentines Day.


  1. Thank NightFall I post A info on my blog. Pony to let my followes. Now about you blog. Susan would love it too.

  2. A very good pony-play pic from someone who is new to it! Makes me wish I could draw/use picture software at all.

    Great bridle! The total mouth coverage is unusual, but interesting. And the guy is very well drawn and the muscles look very realistic. She definitely looks dominated.

    The guy has his feet still on the ground and his weight is only partly on her, this is realistic with some pony girls, taking the full weight of the rider is kind of the goal, (like in some of Gazzas pics) but not something everyone can do.
    It would be interesting to see a pic of him sitting fully on her back with his feet off the ground (near the girls legs). His... ahem, cough, not used to talking hentai... would be pressed nicely into her skin and kind of aligned with that groove most girls have along the center of her back. Although this fellow seems to be kind of 'big'' in that area, lol.

    1. What a nice surprise Susan, I never thought I would find you on my blog.
      I'm glad you like this pic, Gazza has asked me to do another, but clothed instead of bondage, so we'll see how that turns out.
      As for talking hentai, don't be scared to use proper terms, when speaking about things here, yes his penis is quite large.

      Thank you for the suggestions by the way, I wasn't sure (Not having experienced it myself) if a pony could take the full weight of her rider, I suppose when some have done it long enough their back, arms and legs become strong enough to do so.

      I can't say I'll do a lot of these but don't hesitate to come back.

    2. Thank you. After reading one of the comments you made to our Gazza on his pony blog, I didnt really think I'd find you on my blog either. :)

      We can indeed be strong enough; some girls are just naturally strong, particularly if we tend to go to the gym a bit, and it's easy to underestimate ones own strength. If your after real life examples to go from, I'd suggest this couples pictures

      Thanks - I might pop in from time to time. Hentai isn't always my thing, just as ponyplay isn't really yours, but I like atmospheric and gothic themes.

    3. Well having a vampire character gives me that advantage.

      I'm planning on posting the new pony pic this afternoon, I'm not sure which models to use yet, so drop on back I'd love to get more feedback.

    4. Nice to see you here on NightFall's blog susan lol.
