Thursday 18 July 2013

NightFall and YmomY

Um... I'm not even sure how to write this description without creating a lot of speculation, but YmomY and I have been chatting a bit on affect3d and I got into the mood of doing a pic of her model and mine.

So enjoy lol


  1. Thanks for the comment on my last piece. Ended up playing waves on modern warfare as it took ages to render whilst in a heatwave in the UK.

    I remember the image up mentioned few days ago of a short story setup I created- six images connected together.

    Like the new image you've made. Find it a striking piece, being with some one you think highly of and share such a deep relation whilst being comfortable in your own skin infront of him/her.

    1. Your welcome and whilst YmomY is across the other side of the world to me, she is a woman that I can really talk to about my work and lustful interests, I've been able to speak to her more than anyone woman I actually know face to face, it's refreshing.

    2. The irony behind that. Someone you get on with, with similar interests and ideas and yet they're on the opposites side of the planet but locally most people think this theme subject is sick.

      It does surprise me sometimes when women do have an interest in these subjects though very few.

      Thank goodness for the internet.

    3. Indeed, that is why I put the poll up, while I get nothing out of see naked guy, the idea that some lady out there, not just YmomY gets pleasure out of my art, I would very pleased.

  2. Cute picture. I really like her hair, has kind of a egyptian look to it.

    1. Um that's not hair, it's a headdress, but I admit it does look egyptian lol

    2. Cleo, Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile
      Cleo, Cleopatra, Queen of the twist
      The mummies are bored and not want to dance
      Julio Cesar loves you but does not dance the twist

      Check this funny argentinian song n_n
      by the way this song has a funny letter

    3. That was pretty awesome, but the closest I get to egyptian themed music is nile

    4. haaa that song has scared my doggy n_n

    5. HAHAHAHA, that's brilliant, any chance you can get on affect, I have a question for you?

  3. this picture is very romantic, thanks :P, I love it
