Saturday, 7 September 2013

Site update: comics changing from cbr to folder

Just giving you all a heads up that I'm changing the format for my comics, I'm getting rid of the cbr files and turning them into just images, now no one has complained about them, but I think new visitors would have an easier time if I wasn't using it, so currently I have 4 issues complete and up to date and will finish the rest soon.


  1. Well thats probably a wise decision. For your viewers to go out and download a comic reading program is kind of asking a lot from them.

    Plus I think you'll find your comic getting more widely distributed this way.

    1. True, the original idea was so it make it easier to read in some cases, as I've read a few comics in cbr form and found it easier, but if people still want to read it like that they can just make it themselves, but you, it will help with wider distribution.

    2. By the way I just noticed it, but I'm honored you've decided to use my pic as your new avatar, thanks.

  2. I've noticed you've manage to get female viewers here via requests which is great going. Is it 3 or 4 so far?
    Here's an idea maybe of the women here if it works is to have them arse to arse using a double ended dildo in a sex fight contest of each other forcing the other to orgasm like "Requiem for a dream."

    I've been working on other non-adult artpieces and I couldn't think of any others ideas for my 3D that seem to similar the pieces I've already posed so got abit bored.

    If this interests you. Been replaying some of the Halo computer games and on Halo Reach there's a level titled Nightfall. Made me think of you as I ventured through the rocky mountain side under the cover of darkness whilst killing a horde of covenant aliens only to find at the end of that they were setting up an land invasion fleet.

    Thanks for comment over at da.


    1. It's 3 so far :)

      I have seen that movie and I can try and make a double ended dildo, and I can use the club for it.

      I'd love to see your non adult pieces, and we all need a little change, that is why I did another Unnamed piece.

      Don;t go telling people about my invasion plans, it's meant to be a secret lol :D

      I have played halo reach, my favourite of the series, especially the ending.

      As for the comment I made of DA, your welcome mate, sometimes I have to speak my mind or my head will explode.... lol :)
