Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Mina - Gym

Just a quick pic before I go to bed, this pic helps show off Mina's strength and once again I've used the water texture to give her a nice sweating look.

Now each of those weights is equal to 35lb or 15kg, Mina is lifting 12 of them totaling her lift to 420lb or 190kg, not including the bar, now I know what your thinking, a lot of body builders lift a lot more than that, and that's true, but Mina doesn't do 10 or 12 repetitions, she does 100 reps.


  1. the texture looks nice n_n, I love seeing pictures of her when she was 18, and now when she is a kicksass bodybuilder vampire :P (sorry if i don't translate good) well muscled n_n

    1. Thanks and just for you I might do another pic of her when she was 18, so check back for that.

  2. Like how she's showing off her breasts. Don't get that in any gym around here.

    1. Here either, unless it's some sheila wearing an aussie bikini on the beach and working out.
