Saturday, 25 May 2013

Veronika and Sue 01

It's almost been a week since my last post, and it's been a month since I posted my last issue, I have the weekend off and am hoping to get it finished, I'm up to page 21 and that doesn't include the cover.

So to ease the time a little I thought I'd do a pic of the two people who wouldn't mind doing a photoshoot, none other than Veronika The Whore and Sue The Model, will these two meet in the comic, currently I don't have any plans for it, so enjoy and cross your fingers that I get it done this weekend.

On a plus my work hours have gone back to normal, so things should be back to normal again.

Also on a side note, I just calculated the total amount of times MC has been download, the total for all the comics is: 1628 times.

That's incredible. :D


  1. Yesh! I would love to see a lesbian scene with Susan and another woman. That would be hot as hell! I don't know what you've got planned, but I hope you consider doing a scene like that. :)

  2. Oh yes! two woman together is such a site. Have you used the pregnant mod yet?

    1. No I've been so busy trying to get the comic done, I haven't even had a chance to test it, so once it done I'll give it a try, however I probably wont do anything with it yet since none of the character are pregnant, and I've got no future character in the state either.
